
Star wars imperial navy lieutenant sketcil
Star wars imperial navy lieutenant sketcil

star wars imperial navy lieutenant sketcil

When Art Group agents discovered egregious violations of its artistic tenets, agents of the ISB were called in to make troublesome artists disappear. Only a handful of propaganda posters such as Ansibella Dellu's Count Dooku: Words of Truth escaped the purges. Concurrent loyalty purges saw vast amounts of Separatist propaganda destroyed, rescinded, and withheld. įollowing the Clone Wars, the agency helped oversee the dismantling of Confederate warships and martial supplies. Within fourteen years, the organization grew from a handful of agents into an organization double the size of Imperial Intelligence. The Imperial Security Bureau was formed by Galactic Emperor Palpatine as a secret law enforcement organization, dedicated to rooting out enemies of the New Order and the Galactic Empire and maintaining stability throughout Imperial territories shortly after the proclamation of the New Order. 2.6 Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons ResearchĪgent Andressa Divo stands with other agents and stormtroopers of the ISB.2.1 Command hierarchy and administration.

Star wars imperial navy lieutenant sketcil